This course is designed for development practitioners involved in capacity building activities, whether they target internal teams, implementing partners or other key stakeholders, and regardless of ...
Manuela has over 25 years of experience at the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO), where she contributes to the design, coordination, and submission of ...
The course is aimed at: - OSH inspectors in charge to supervise and advice enterprises on OSH; - Representatives of workers' organizations and employers' organizations involved in OSH issues; - Health ...
The Master is intended for officials and/or professionals working in the public administration and international organizations in the fields of economic, technological, industrial and social policy; ...
In a world increasingly affected by climate change, social security has become more vital than ever. As Ms. Shahra Razavi, Director of the International Labour Organization’s Universal Social ...
Dans un monde de plus en plus affecté par le changement climatique, la sécurité sociale est plus essentielle que jamais. Comme l'a souligné Shahra Razavi, Directrice du Département de la Protection ...
Who attends this course? ¿ Labour inspectors at central or provincial level; ¿ Labour inspection system managers; ¿ Labour administration system officials involved ...
This course is designed to provide employers, workers and their representatives, labour and fire inspectors, as well as others with relevant roles and duties with fire safety training and information.
A discussion about the value of interdisciplinarity with Jean Claude El Khazen, a participant and labour inspector from Lebanon attending the Decent Work for Domestic Workers course ...
Governments; employers' and workers' organizations; policymakers and world-of-work representatives wishing to master the content of these new instruments, understand what these imply in terms of ...