The latest University of Helsinki career monitoring survey shows that nearly all master's graduates from five years ago and doctoral graduates from three years ago are employed. The survey offers ...
The agreement was signed during Rector Sari Lindblom’s visit to South Korea in September.Intensifying collaboration with Korean universities is a key part of the University of Helsinki’s new global ...
One of the ongoing projects lean by a member of Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History is a research and online talks project of ELBOW (Medical Electricity, Embodied Experiences, and Knowledge ...
Dear all, we warmly welcome you to join the Helsinki Legal History Series Lecture with Professor Anne Orford from the University of Melbourne on October 8th When: Tuesday, 8th October 2024, 3:00pm - 4 ...
In this blog post, Teemu Harrinkari discusses the challenge facing policy to combine forest use and protection. Forest companies and their central role in the national implementation of the EU's ...
24-25 October there is going to be a conference on historical perspectives of different themes surrounding pain. The project "Experiencing Agony: Pain and Embodiment in the British Atlantic World, ...
The University of Helsinki’s Tvärminne station runs a scientific diving academy to train diving scientists to explore our planet’s melting polar regions and work in other extreme circumstances. In ...
Edes internetin käyttöönotto ei ollut samanlainen murros kuin se, jossa elämme nyt, tietojenkäsittelytieteen professori Sasu Tarkoma arvioi. Juttu on julkaistu Yliopisto-lehdessä 7/2024. Kuuntele ...
We are excited to announce that there are two forthcoming Special Issue originating from the IFPM5! The window for submission closes on the 15th of March. More information on the Special Issues can be ...
Pitkäaikaistutkimus osoittaa, että viimeisten 30 vuoden aikana raskauteen liittyvät aivoverenkiertohäiriöt ovat yli kaksinkertaistuneet. Keskeisin hoidettava riskitekijä on korkea verenpaine.
Helsingin yliopisto on solminut merkittävän yhteistyösopimuksen eteläkorealaisen Yonsein yliopiston kanssa. Sopimus edistää tutkimusyhteistyötä Helsingin ja Yonsein yliopistojen välillä ja on tärkeä ...
With Andrey Makarychev and Sergei Medvedev. We warmly welcome you to participate in celebrating the launch of Andrey Makarychev and Sergei Medvedev’s new book "Biopower in Putin’s Russia: From Taking ...