香港(亚洲新闻/通讯社)—香港行政长官李家超(John Lee)宣布,将逐步淘汰八平方公尺以下的劏房。相较之下,三十年前就受到监管和合法化的“棺材房”将不再受新立法管辖。
Chief executive John Lee made the announcement today in a keynote speech. According to publicly available data, more than 100 ...
Pope Francis issued an appeal to FAO on World Food Day. In it he stresses that the Church will contribute to the defeat of ...
A Taliban minister and the Iranian ambassador met in Kabul to discuss the return of Afghans to their country of origin, with ...
Città del Vaticano (AsiaNews) - “I decisori politici ed economici a livello internazionale devono ascoltare le richieste di ...
新德里(亚洲新闻) - 印度的私营医疗保健部门正在引入新关税,这将增加患者的费用。据 《经济时报》 ...
Il chief executive John Lee lo ha annunciato oggi in un discorso programmatico. Secondo dati pubblici sarebbero oltre 100mila ...
在公开接见中,教宗方济各对《信经》中有关三位一体的第三位格的话语进行了评论。新呼吁继续“为和平祈祷和奋斗”。纪念 40 年前在波兰被共产党政权杀害的真福耶日·波皮乌什科 :“他教导以善战胜邪恶”。
Prices vary according to demand, with surcharges, for example, for priority use of operating rooms. The government tried to ...
At the general audience Francis' commentary on the words of the Creed on the third person of the Trinity. New appeal to ...