Vastikään nimitetty apulaisprofessori Yaolin Xu kehittää teknillisen fysiikan laitoksella parempia akkuja, jotta ...
Newly appointed Assistant Professor Xu looks to build up his lab and team at the Department of Applied Physics to pursue ...
Unite! Seed Fund -rahaston tavoitteena on kannustaa ja tukea opettajien, tutkijoiden ja opiskelijoiden yhteistyöhankkeita.
We behave in a responsible manner according to the Code of Conduct and respect the rights of the other members of our community to enjoy a safe and pleasant university environment that allows ...
In urban studies, traditional census data provides a static snapshot of cities, often missing the dynamic, real-time interactions that shape urban life and underpin the resilience of our communities.
Tapahtumaan osallistui 40 yritystä ja noin 400 kansainvälistä maisteriopiskelijaa.
The event, held on October 2 at Aalto University's campus, brought together 40 companies and organizations with around 400 international master’s students. The event merged two pilot initiatives from ...
Three Aalto University students participated in the U!Train Blended Intensive Programme, a sustainable mobility course organised by the Unite! university alliance. The students did a day trip to the ...
Antero Hietamäki, an alum of the Guild of Physics, started studying engineering physics in 1984. For the Guild of Physics, meeting the alum was memorable – it was really cool to see the old overalls.
Department of Computer Science paper accepted to the Conference on AI, Ethics and Society The AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society is focusing on a ethical or societal issues of AI technology ...
Cheryl Peck and Fardeen Ikram from Temasek Polytechnic share their experiences and the personal impact during the two-week customised course at Aalto University Summer School. Students from Temasek ...