Swansea University is a diverse and welcoming workplace, valuing people for their skills regardless of their background. Applications are welcome in Welsh and will not be treated less favourably than ...
Astudiwch radd mewn Cysylltiadau Cyhoeddus a'r Cyfryngau gyda ni, a byddwch yn gallu dysgu'r sgiliau y bydd eu hangen arnoch i ddilyn gyrfa lwyddiannus yn y maes cyffrous hwn. Mae ein cwrs gradd ...
Mae gan Sarah dros ddegawd o brofiad fel Gwyddonydd Amgylcheddol, Ymgynghorydd ac Ymchwilydd. Cyn iddi symud i Brifysgol Abertawe, bu’n gweithio yn Sydney, Awstralia ac roedd yn gyfrifol am ddarparu ...
CREW series of monographs and essay collections, published by University of Wales Press.
Edited by John Davies, Nigel Jenkins, Menna Baines, & Peredur I. Lynch the work runs to more than 1200 illustrated pages. It is due for publication by University of Wales Press on January 31st, 2008.
In 1968, David Parry, who had been trained at the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds (where he worked for the great dialectologist Harold Orton), embarked on a major project of mapping the ...
Ron Berry was one of the most striking portrayers in fiction of the declining industrial communities of the great South Wales coalfield during the post-war, post-industrial period. Having worked in a ...
The Library of Wales series of English-language classics from Wales is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government through the Welsh Books Council and published by Parthian Books.
One of the most versatile and multi-talented of Wales’s professional writers of the post-war period, Richards became known to the general public as the script-writer of such notable TV successes as ...
This report documents the findings of the inception evaluation of the five-year ASTUTE 2020 Operation by Miller Research Evaluation Consulting. The inception evaluation set out to identify a suite of ...
The SPTS division of KLA provides advanced wafer processing solutions to the world’s leading semiconductor and microelectronic device manufacturers. Increasing demand for semiconductor devices is ...
ASTUTE 2020 (Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies) is a multi-university partnership of five Welsh Higher Education Institutions, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund ...