The Semmelweis University Centre for Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance has published the latest data on the spread of ...
On the fourth week of September (23-29), 62 suspected cases of whooping cough were registered by GPs in Hungary, according to ...
On the third week of September (16-22), 70 suspected cases of whooping cough were registered by GPs in Hungary, according to ...
A subtype of the avian influenza virus (also known as bird flu) has been detected by the laboratory of Hungarys National Food ...
Just a few days after the first cases of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, were confirmed in wild birds in Hungary, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety ...
After Békés county, the laboratory of Hungarys National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has detected the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza also in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The ...
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Since 2003 he is the president of the Commerce Section of VOSZ. Since 2009 he has been a titular associate professor at the ...
In 1974, Sándor Csányi earned a degree in business administration from the College of Finance and Accounting. In 1980, he ...
2025 ünnepnapok terén is tervezést igényel, ezért ideje ismét szemügyre venni az év legfontosabb táblázatát, amely segítséget ...
Az új Bizottság első nyilatkozatai és összetétele is világossá tette: a brüsszeli testület katonai-védelmi téren komolyabb ...
Új intézkedéseket jelentett be a kínai kormány az ingatlanszektor támogatására és a gazdaság élénkítésére. A ...