Parliamentary data shows that the Paola health centre registered the highest increase in emergency admissions, rising by 113% ...
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri presents amendments to toughen punishments for violence against public officers • ...
Council of Europe rapporteurs recommend giving local councils more autonomy and a special recognition for Valletta ...
George and Alfred Degiorgio have once again refused to testify in libel proceedings filed by Joseph Muscat, while the court ...
Avukati Għawdex say authorities have failed in finding solutions for problems related to lack of space and accessibility at ...
The T4SM coalition, comprising members from Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, works to ...
Social partners last week were briefed on key reform proposals on mental health services, as well as ongoing developments ...
Isabelle Bonnici has been at the forefront of a national movement advocating for justice following the death of her son, Jean ...
Climate Action Authority chief says stakeholders are reviewing plans to mandate solar panels on properties built to the ...
The ERA says that by ‘screening’ planning applications, it nips problems in the bud at the inception of a project to guide ...
Prime Minister Robert Abela insists changes to the Villa Rosa local plan will align it to the hotels policy • Opposition leader Bernard Grech says it would be ‘unfair’ to take a clear-cut position on ...
Malta’s much-loved historic hotel will showcase its stunning venues, facilities, packages and wedding services at the popular upcoming London Expo ...