IDS has partnered with Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (FGV EAESP) on a double master’s programme, offering ...
In a series of policy briefs published for the T20, researchers from IDS and other Food Equity Centre partners have outlined policy options for strengthening equity food systems and their governance, ...
This year, World Food Day is all about rights to food, celebrating the basic human rights that ensure all have access to healthy, nutritious, safe and culturally appropriate food always. As a result ...
In the 1990s, one in four children in South Africa had stunted growth, an indicator of chronic hunger. In the 2020s, one in four children are still stunted, highlighting that not enough progress has ...
Resilience is a term that is widely used by scholars from different disciplines who promote action research between science and policy. This paper is largely concerned with how resilience approaches ...
This book chapter looks at the progress and maturing of Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Africa. It introduces innovations and adaptations, poses questions and challenges and suggests possible ...
Following a landmark vote in the UN General Assembly in December 2023, negotiations are taking place that will lead to a new framework convention on tax.
People and commuters face difficulties in transportation on flooded roads due to poor sewerage systems, after a heavy downpour in Karachi. Pakistan. Image: Asianet-Pakistan/Shutterstock.
A moderated conversation between Bangladeshi academics from different generations about the possibilities for change, building an inclusive democracy and people’s expectations, based on their own ...
The National Policy for Children 2013 adopted by the Government of India in April 2013, adheres to the Constitutional mandate and guiding principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of ...
This background paper focuses on the potential role that international science and technology ‘foresight-type’ activities might play in informing decision-making processes about innovation, ...
The Humanitarian Learning Centre (HLC) brings together high-quality analysis, dialogue and debate with accessible, operational learning to improve humanitarian response, practice and policy. With a ...