There was a great coming and going of volunteers through the streets of the towns, with a renewed enthusiasm around the "Cortes" Le Cortes delle scorso anno a Tonara (foto Onano) After the success ...
Crushed by a pallet of windows. A 25-year-old worker, working at Tecnomat in Altavilla Vicentina (Vicenza), died like this. According to an initial reconstruction, the accident occurred in the ...
Six environmentalists in Sassari were reported by the State Police for having defaced a sidewalk in via Pertini. The three men and three women were noticed by a police officer who, in the street ...
Valentina Misseri breaks her silence. Sabrina's sister, daughter of Cosima Serrano and Michele Misseri, speaks about the murder of Sarah Scazzi, which occurred in Avetrana in 2010 and for which ...
Three people died in a road accident on the Palermo-Sciacca highway and three children were injured and transported to the hospital in red code. The 118 paramedics, the Carabinieri and the ...
Too many commitments for the mayor, the leadership of the Foundation's Board of Directors goes to the former magistrate Mario Marchetti presidente del Cdi del Lirico . Mayor Massimo Zedda has ...
He had lost his way in a remote area, the 115 men tracked him down thanks to the smartphone's GPS He got lost in his car in a remote area near San Vito, between Genna Argiolas and Geronimo and to ...
The defense: "For Andrea Carletti a nightmare is over". He was one of the symbolic figures of the investigation that put under accusation an alleged business on the foster care of minors Andrea ...
A 22-year-old boy was arrested in Gonnosfanadiga by the Carabinieri, who found over 100 grams of marijuana and hashish in his home. The operation was carried out by the Carabinieri of the ...
The nun accused of aggravated theft of votive gold jewelry and ornaments kept in the Episcopal Curia of Ariano Irpino, where she held the position of Mother Superior, confessed and was placed ...
«Perhaps the councilor did not have the opportunity to read the document from the Prefecture, which certifies the failure of the conciliation attempt, otherwise it is not clear how he can speak ...
La replica di Ninni Corda non si fa attendere. In merito a quanto riportato oggi dal quotidiano La Repubblica, a proposito ...