When in Rome, do as the Romans do! After other audio events got cancelled, audiophiles were hoping and waiting to attend to the latest edition of this Rome High End Show. Many visitors have crowded ...
The V3 Mono is therefore a mono'ed V3 with no volume knob, with an unbalanced RCA and a balanced XLR input, and a rear selector that allows you to adjust the gain (+25 or +31 dB, but +20dB on the XLR ...
dopo tanti anni di sacrifici, sto finalmente realizzando il sogno di una villetta in campagna con stanza esclusivamente dedicata all' ascolto della musica (riporterò finalmente in funzione le mie ...
per la cifra stanziata non vedo niente di meglio di una coppia di Lonpoo LP42, che si trovano intorno ai 90€. Non c'è alcun dubbio che suonino molto meglio delle vecchie Bose 101, ti sarà sufficiente ...
ho letto la lettera pubblicata su TNT-Audio. Mi vengono in mente 2 possibili soluzioni, una è di contattare l'importatore in Italia o in un altro paese, talvolta più motivati di casa madre a gestire ...
I've bemoaned the lack of originality in valve amps more than once in this august publication. It seems odd that the majority of the better valve amps are based around 50+ year-old valves and circuits ...
OPPO is a big name in DVD and Blu-ray players. They have a tremendous reputation for affordable quality and innovation. OPPO players are manufactured in China and distributed in USA by OPPO Digital ...
Don't think at the SDA-1100 as a simple facelift. No, this amp is a completely redesigned device. Clean the blackboard, please, and start again. The PCB is completely new (see pics) and the layout ...
Frequency response: Less than +/- 0.5 dB deviation 20Hz-20kHz Phase response: Less than 5 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, or less than 2 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, depending which Consonance/Opera ...
Prices:Electronics £1300 per set (two electronic 3-way 4th order active crossovers, six Hypex UCD 250 LPOEM amplifiers, and associated high current power supplies) The choice of crossover slopes in ...
Charm Cable Constructions Inc lancia sul mercato tre nuovi cavi, punta di diamante della propria nuova gamma di fili elettrici con connettori talmente "maschi" che sviteranno le connessioni del vostro ...
This section contains reportages from HiFi Shows worldwide, Factory tours, Interviews with HiFi gurus and a collection of articles on various topics related to HiFi ...