When in Rome, do as the Romans do! After other audio events got cancelled, audiophiles were hoping and waiting to attend to the latest edition of this Rome High End Show. Many visitors have crowded ...
The V3 Mono is therefore a mono'ed V3 with no volume knob, with an unbalanced RCA and a balanced XLR input, and a rear selector that allows you to adjust the gain (+25 or +31 dB, but +20dB on the XLR ...
per la cifra stanziata non vedo niente di meglio di una coppia di Lonpoo LP42, che si trovano intorno ai 90€. Non c'è alcun dubbio che suonino molto meglio delle vecchie Bose 101, ti sarà sufficiente ...
dopo tanti anni di sacrifici, sto finalmente realizzando il sogno di una villetta in campagna con stanza esclusivamente dedicata all' ascolto della musica (riporterò finalmente in funzione le mie ...
ho letto la lettera pubblicata su TNT-Audio. Mi vengono in mente 2 possibili soluzioni, una è di contattare l'importatore in Italia o in un altro paese, talvolta più motivati di casa madre a gestire ...
Frequency response: Less than +/- 0.5 dB deviation 20Hz-20kHz Phase response: Less than 5 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, or less than 2 degrees deviation 20Hz-20kHz, depending which Consonance/Opera ...
The above schematic comprises almost anything you can put around the ubiquitous LM317 positive 3-pin regulator (LM337 for negative voltages, 117 and 137 military versions). The basic circuit dispenses ...
The Decca International tonearm is an early unipivot designed for Decca cartridges. It has a number of interesting features: * the unipivot floats on magnetic suspension to damp the effect of rumble ...
Model Chorus 707 is a 2 way speaker, with one 178 mm mid/bass driver and JMLab's proprietary 25 mm inverted titanium dome tweeter, terminated with a phase plug. The mid/bass unit uses what JMLab calls ...
Some time ago, our Editor was contacted by a company we weren't aware of. The company was proposing to our attention a very special DAC, based on a completely new approach. Lucio promptly passed on ...
Un accessorio indispensabile per mantenere in piena efficienza il vostro lettore CD è un dischetto che permette la pulizia della lente del pick-up laser. Durante l'uso la polvere presente sui Compact ...
Miracles do occasionally happen. Consider cylinder records and phonographs. Both disappeared from the market in 1929, by which point the players were yesterday's technology and much of the music ...