Severn Bridge In the distance. Some sunny spells amongst the mostly sudden and torrential downpours. 44 views 10 5 ...
Wee run Took a wee doddle down Campbeltown way. Doggies enjoyed it and weather was good. 39 views 17 1 ...
Mowgli spent the day with the vet. She had all sorts of scans and tests. Nothing conclusive. So off we go to another practice tomorrow for a CT scan. I have NEVER seen her off her food before.
Appointment at 9:30 at the dealership so walked Hetty, had breakfast and off we went. The guy that did our introduction to the new camper was excellent, explaining everything and checking we were ...
Another day, another appointment, but just for a routine dentist & hygienist visit. Our dentist is virtually in the town centre, in the road that runs alongside the river. The water levels are fairly ...
The joys of a Blood Pressure Plus clinic… According to my NHS App, I have shrunk 10 cms since my last BP+ clinic, with a corresponding leap in my BMI, which is pretty incredible seeing as my height ...
We've been together for many years, but this man is still a mystery to me! Extra: me. A couple of blippers might recognize us. I like both better in large view. For the MonoMonday theme of "mysterious ...
Some Volcano pictures today with the main one taken just inside one of them. Sadly this is the last full day of holiday with journey home tomorrow evening.
Back home now. Left our friends and met D for a catch-up and light lunch at San Carlo Cicchetti. Last minute decision as neither of us knew what we'd been doing. Was great meeting up, as D is from 'Up ...
Last night but too good not to show as she was up on Mt Vic and had the advantage of height. WalkingS got closest to the story yesterday as the bloke had to get the Landrover off the rails because.
PRINT PRACTICE I learned not to print right to left. Luckily, only a test hanky. 40 views 12 0 ...
The Feast Day of Saint Demetrius. Today has given us clouds, light rain and a few sunny interludes. It was 17c in the living room at 8am. I have walked to the corner shop, Best One, for our Daily Mail ...