Synesis, a company sanctioned by the EU for helping the Lukashenko regime in its repression, is now cooperating with the ...
Vladimir Putin's hope that time is on Russia's side and that the war in Ukraine is only draining the country's resources may ...
According to him, missiles for the Russian army are assembled there, but without warheads. The frames and some components of ...
The products of the Belarusian company Grodno Azot were delivered to Ukraine, although the company itself was sanctioned by ...
Our business in Belarus is also included in the sale," the company said in a statement. It also said it had carefully ...
The most common mental disorders are anxiety and depression. About 5% of the population suffers from depression. This was ...
As many as 87.3% of teachers in Belarus are women. This profession remains predominantly female.
Belarusians are in second place by the number of applications filed this year. In the first place - citizens of Ukraine ...
Галоўнымі пытаннямі былі вызваленне палітвязняў і магчымасць пашырэння праграмы выдачы шэнгенскіх віз для беларусаў.
По инициативе Генпрокуратуры был составлен перечень культурных ценностей, вывезенных с территории Беларуси в годы Великой ...
В России из колонии освободился Алексей Москалев — отец девочки из Тульской области, которая нарисовала антивоенный рисунок.