You can gain extra visibility for your meeting or conference by adding it to the CERN Courier events calendar. We accept all events that are relevant to the high-energy physics community, and all ...
Former CERN Director-General Robert Aymar in front of a LHC dipole magnet in 2004. Credit: CERN-GE-0401007-01 . Robert Aymar, ...
Klystron modulators are key elements in free electron lasers. They provide high-voltage pulses to bias klystron tubes with energies of several hundred joules. Amplitude variations directly affect the ...
Simone Ragoni is passionate about outreach. His Instagram page, quarktastic, has more than 10 thousand followers, and is one of the very few that successfully makes particle physics and academia ...
Slovakia has established itself as a significant player in the nuclear energy sector, primarily due to its nuclear capacities and a strategy focused on sustainability and energy security. Moreover, ...
Below the knee Best-fit HAWC spectral energy distribution (pink) for HAWC J1746–2856 and (dashed purple) after subtracting the two HESS point-source spectra. The latter, which agrees well with the ...
A report from the ATLAS experiment. Fig. 1. 95% confidence upper limits on the signal strength for inclusive gluon–gluon and vector–boson fusion HH production from each of the five analyses and their ...
Clear instructions Paganini introduces all aspects of particle physics, from calculations to experimental applications. Credit: This textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate ...
Evolving community In a break from the past, Strings 2024 emphasised younger speakers and community organisation. Credit: CERN-PHOTO-202406-114-2 Since its inception in the mid-1980s, the Strings ...
First developed for the Large Hadron Collider, hybrid pixel detectors are now changing the face of X-ray imaging in medical practice. The next challenge is for a diverse range of societal applications ...
New and improved One of the first neutrino interactions recorded in T2K’s upgraded near detector ND280. Credit: T2K Collab. Neutrino physics requires baselines both big and small, and neutrinos both ...
Global technology group Rohde & Schwarz offers test and measurement solutions to advance the performance and reliability of accelerator RF systems. Fig. 1: MXO 5 and MXO 5C series oscilloscopes ...